Time To Step Up

It's time for us as Christians to take our spiritual life to another level!!!!! We may be right with God, we may be saved, but there's no time to relax and be complacent because that's when we become proud and or even fall. And to those Christians (I don't know who you are, because I can't judge") who are in the church and don't take their faith serious IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP AND STEP UP!!!!!!! The spiritual war is not a joke are we going to be a servant that goes to heaven to rejoice or another of many "Christians" who will burn in hell (and I mean many because many Christians even Christians leaders will go there) because they aren’t saved or didn't value their spiritual life when they were on earth. Just as Satan is working harder and making new ways for people to slip up and take souls to his kingdom, even more so to give more for ourselves to God. We only please God and grow in our spiritual life, are when we show the work...