What Kingdom Are You Seeking????

Yesterday as my eyes were scrolling through 5 Demand and I came across a Whitney Houston documentary. As I watched one of most powerful female vocalist go from riches to rags it makes me ponder why many successful people are not happy? They're not happy because their is a void and God is not first that’s why they do silly and crazy things to fill it but they only get short fixes that ends up costing their careers or lives, we do not follow Matthew 6:3 the whole catalyst of being a Christian. We're too focused on studies, that partner, that job, what celebrity is doing the most and what not, that’s why we are not putting God first. What's the first thing we do in the morning, praying or checking what errands we have to do or our phone notifications? Do we separate our tithes? Or are we sacrificing our will and life to serve Him? Yes we should have a life but if God is not at the center or first how do expect to be successful and blessed? Trust me, when you put God firs...