God Doesn't Want Your Money

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7 There's this silly notion that the church, the pastor or your bishop want's your money, AND IT'S ALL NONESENSE!!!!!! Not all church establishments are scamming their members, not every man of God is dripping in swag and driving the latest sport's cars like some pastors. God want's to see where our hearts are when it comes to our money, if we can put our money in clothes, bills phone contracts and other things let's invest our finances in our church nobody is saying give all your money or half your salary. But we can contribute to something i.e. cleaning products, equipment, maintenance or something else in our church for example for me, not to boast when I was in the cleaning group of my church for the last 4 years, when I got paid I would spend £5 on cleaning products that was my offering to God plus m...