
Showing posts from September, 2020

Pray For Others

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16 We live in a society where it's dog eat dog, and as a Christian there's no love lost in our community where we focus on ourselves, giving God our wish list like He is Santa Clause. Yes we want blessings, answers and healing but what we forget is to pray for others.  We must pray for everyone and anyone, pray for your family, friends, associates, relatives, children's, nieces/nephews, colleagues, the boss who get on your nerves, the customer/client who grinds our gears even our enemies. As I type this I look with regret because I forgot to do that this morning, (Yes I'm guilty you can kill me lol.)   We live in time's where we're in pandemic, suicides are going up unfortunately, unemployment has risen and thing's have been harder and harder with 2020 being the year to forget, even though fr

Lockdown Has Hurt My Faith

  Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.  Ephesians 4:25 Last month I celebrated 15 years in the faith, but it's been anything but champagne glasses, cheers, smiles and party celebrations. I'm at the weakest I've ever been typing this, I even missed church today and the past 3 weeks. I'm writing this piece so that we as Christians stop hiding behind a facade and admit we have struggles, we cry, we get sad and we get depressed. Let's get professional help, let's use our faith let's use the story of Job as inspiration. We are Christians not robots, IT'S OK TO NOT BE OK SOMETIMES, but let's fight and let God do His power and heal us. For too long we've hid behind the terrors behind mental health and depression, while the government, society and even the church have not done much.  It's time we stand in arms and kick it in it's butt and stand in victory l