
There's one thing that we will go through and always suffer as God's Children and that is being persecution. Jesus suffered it, his disciples suffered it and so will we. It evens goes back to the days of Cesar where he used Christians as humans torches, meaning this happened in the past and will always happen. It says in the Bible that persecution is a test to make us stronger in Christ and a strength to show that we are on job with our faith, as the devil will do anything in his power to take us far from God. I was speaking with a friend yesterday and there was something she said that stuck out to me, as she constantly get's persecuted on Twitter. She mentioned that as Christians that if we are not receiving persecution something is wrong, because the devil doesn't attack Luke warm Christians because sorry to say they're already in his hands as it says in the word that those that are in the middle are in trouble as your yes should be Yes and no should be No! ...