
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2

Firstly before I go into this week's topic I would like to introduce myself. Hi people my name is Ayo Balogun I'm 25 years old and I'm a aspiring media entrepreneur that is looking to be used greatly by God in my media career and the media industry to save many souls. Some of you know me, some of you know me from social media and what not and some don't. I'm not here to preach or condemn people who do not know God, but I'm here to do what God has called me to do. Well since I truly converted which was last year December. God and the Holy Spirit has inspired me to write a weekly spiritual blog to help Christians and those who don't know Christ and start up a gospel YouTube channel (which is currently in the works.) Well enough of my boring life story (I know I'm moving like I'm on Piers Morgan's Life Stories lol) Back to this week's topic I'll be talking about progression, why as Christians it's important to be transformed and progress as a Christian.

"And be renewed in the spirit of your mind." Ephesians 4:23 

For the last 6 weeks 2 words have been creeping and popping up in my mind everyday. They were "renewed" and "revived" these words need to be the most important words in our spiritual dictionary because if we are not renewing and being revived as Christians our faith is growing cold. I've been going to church since I was 10 years old I decided to be a "Christian" in 2005 when I was 16 but from 16 to 25 I was in the church claiming I was a "Christian" with a cold faith. "How is that so?" Many of you may ask because my head was still in the things of this world I was still chasing the girls, listening to the music of this world,  trying to be "cool" by following the trends and fashions of this world. And yet I thought I was saved and doing my part to God, when in reality I was just warming up the bench at Church like my name was Danny Welbeck!!!! No offence to Christians who are not growing in their faith and purposely decide to live in sin, which I am not trying to judge, as we all have our own personal journey with God, we cannot do this because we are disrespecting God and showing a bad testimony to those around us. Making people think Christianity is a joke. This is what I did I drove my mum, my family and friends away from God. I love watching football and I always link football to my faith. Why is it that Ronaldo, Messi and Iniesta are the top players in the world? Because they "renew" and "revive" themselves by doing extra training, working on their strengths and weaknesses and staying 100% committed to their respective teams. To be a great Christian and a real servant of God we need to do what these players do renew our minds, work on our flaws and strengths in our faiths and by doing extra training i.e. reading our Bibles and going to church.

Like I previously mentioned I wasted 9 years being a "Sunday Christian" and not being revived in my faith. Now that my eyes are opened I aim to be renewed and revived everyday, week, month and year as long as I'm living. I've seen many cold Christians who think they can serve God anyhow who through their testimony are tarnishing the name Of God. I vowed to myself to never be that type of Christian again. Because if most of them die they're not saved and they're go to hell. Remember guys our enemy Satan and his demons are improving and finding new ways to trap and send people to their kingdom, so why should we as God's servants be cold and stagnant in our faith?

Until next time my friends see you next week.   


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