The Great Friend And Enemy

The internet is the biggest ally and enemy of the Work of God, You can think I'm exaggerating but it is, how many Christians does the devil have in his hands because many are consumed with the internet? I know this because I used to be very addicted to social media. Howe many times was I late or even missed church because I was up late on Twitter the whole night? How many times have I shown a bad testimony on it? How many times a week even everyday do we see Christians making mockery of God and arguing amongst each other because they follow different doctrines? If we are the Children of God, then our light through Christ must be shown even in our accounts.

Don't get me wrong, the internet is a great tool for outreach, you can save many souls and preach the word of God, just with a simple keyboard. It's easier to know God because there's Christian sites, bible apps and Bible Youtube channels. Which has made it accessible to follow Christ. But with every great modern day invention there's a downside. We spend too much time on gossip columns, too much time on social media, we can watch a series in a day not pray. I'm not saying we should be monks or live in the Time Chamber like Mr Po Po and Goku and read our bibles 24/7. There should be a balance as it states in the word there's a time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

As I conclude this blog. I want to give some tips on how to use your data, social media apps, internet wisely. One reason why I never took God serious is because I was too consumed in the hype, looking for validation and attention from "FB friends" and followers. When we shouldn't if anything we show God through us, spread the word and souls on our accounts so here's my tips. 1) Unfollow negative people, those who are always promoting sin, blaspheming and have never positive to say even it's family members or people that you know, you will grow in your faith and prevent you being corrupted. 2) No matter what people say, your social media account is a representation of you, how many people have lost jobs and opportunities because of silly posts they made, maybe they made years ago my family always told me this when made reckless posts where even got me kicked out of my churches youth group! Like I said we are the light of this world so lets shun the darkness. 3) Think before you post something, think is it going gain? Does it glorify God? Like I said I've let the world wide web destroy my relationship with God I was even addicted to it and ruin my relationship with close ones. And since I've stopped the wreckless posts and unfollowed negative people I've grown in my walk. I remember my bishop and many of my pastors saying that when they gave their life to God. They lost all passion for things they loved. I thought this was crazy these guys are brainwashed now I'm living what they said. Since I've given my life to  Christ I've lost passion for football which I love, I couldn't care if my team Arsenal win the league, it doesnt bother me Christiano Ronaldo has scored this and that goal, and I want to be a football broadcaster, I've lost passion for Twitter, Youtube all the things I loved. Because God is my first love when you're saved the things of this world become irrelevant. If you're still holding to things of this world that will perish. You won't grow so let go and let God take control.      

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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Facebook: Ayo Balogun


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