God Doesn't Need "Defenders Of The Faith" Super Heroes

Nothing annoys me more and grinds my gears in Christianity then , fanatical, self righteous "Defenders Of The Faith, Social Justice Warrior" Christians, who think they know it all, and try to put others faiths down, when they look down their noses on other believers Christianity is about accepting and loving not condemning and judging. So why is it in today we have these proud Christians? that given the opportunity they're willing to shove the Bible down your throat and argue you with every Christian stance you have. I've said this and I'll say it again Christians are not united like other faiths for petty things like this! We all go to different churches, we all worship differently we all have different Sabbath days (another topic that irritates my soul, because it's not that deep what day it was, if God wanted us to worship on a certain day the Holy Spirit would've instructed us a long time ago.) SO BLOODY WHAT?????!!!!!! We may all have different fait...