Leave The Worldly Things Behind

When the Bible mentions turning away from the world and not being of the world it confuses many as I can relate when I first started in my faith. I like many others had these thoughts in my mind such as "How can we leave the world if this is where we live?" "Does God want us to kill ourselves as he doesn't want us in the world?" When God says leave the worldly things behind he's talking about not being in the environment of this world, following trends that will not benefit us, living in sin like everyone else. That's what it means too leave the world we are meant to stand out like foreigners on foreign soil but not blend in with everyone else. 1 Peter 2:11

In today's modern world where we have technology, entertainment, news and social media it's harder for us to serve God and easy for us to be distracted. We are to concerned with what these celebrities are doing, we care too much with whose pregnant and whose dating who. But how is this benefiting our lives, how is this benefiting our walk with God? It's not, this is why our priorities should be on the spiritual things. Many Christians are not blessed or are stuck in their faith is because they love the world too much, they love the fashion, the raves, the sin, the celebrity culture too much. If we put as much emphasis in our spiritual lives as we did on the worldly things we grow way much more in our faith. The devil want us to be distracted that's why most of these things are from him lets stay "woke" as the youth are saying and leave things that will perish and concentrate on our faith which is everlasting. 

The reason why I was so lukewarm in my faith was because I put the things of the world before God like social media (which I'm still working on), football, films, gossip and sin. I was too attached to the world. Don't be like I was and be lost in the sauce. I'm not here to scare anyone but many of us will go to hell because we are too much in this world, we blend in with the unbelievers when we are meant to be saving the lost sheep and showing a testimony. If you know you are still in the world then cut of all links that you have. I did this when I stopped watching certain TV shows, stopped listening to worldly music, dumped my girlfriends, burned bridges with certain friends. Since Then I've taken my faith to new heights because now my focus is on saving souls, spreading the gospels and I want to follow God. I'm not here to toot my own horn but we can not serve God and serve this society. 

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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