Test The Spirits That Confuse Opinions With Facts

As some of us saw on Twitter last night, where that girl was saying anal and certain sex positions are a sin and the TL went in to overload, listen I'm about to break it down for you, but let me get to the basis of today's blog we as Christians need to understand we cannot confuse our spiritual views with facts. A fact can be proven for example sex before marriage is sin because the word states it and God made sex for marriage this is a fact, an opinion is a view that cannot most of the time be backed up by spiritual literature, for example I strongly believe that listening to mainstream music that goes against God is wrong, this is my view because there is no evidence that it can be proven on what music we should listen to, people need to be personally convicted on that. When it comes to sexual acts such as anal, oral which are acts that are disregarded as sins that has lead to many debates, in my opinion from doing research and such they are acts that is not advisable as one can incurable disease from and they have consequences, which I will stay away from when I get married because I've been personally convicted, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are sins to others. We as Christians needs to be careful of demonizing things, just because you personally wouldn't do them, yes some things are wrong but if we confuse facts with opinions we are in danger of leading people astray. Just because someone does something in their walk that you disapprove doesn't give you the right to label them and personally attack them. If you feel one is doing wrong explain to them, break it down to them if they choose not to listen it's on them. We as Christians need to stop policing other peoples faith and test our own faiths and the spirits around us. Remember man cannot convict only the Holy Ghost can, so if you're not the helper we have no right to make others believers feel inferior.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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