The Highway To Hell, The Ignorance of The Unbeliever

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Revelations 21:8
John Williams was a 32 year old stock broker, who was a self proclaimed atheist who never believed in God, he would joke about the things of God and argue and question his Christian families beliefs. One day John finished work as he was driving on the M 25, a Waitrose delivery van slipped on the road and fell and crashed into John's car, well John didn't make it and his soul was summoned to Heaven to see where his soul was headed.
God: John wake up, rise up!!!
John gets up and looks shocked and bemused as a big white figure, big in stature and glows like big lamp looks down on him as 12 angels standing around Him standing like guards by the entrance of Heaven, while God sits on the throne in the middle.
John: Where am I? Who are you?
God: My boy John you're dead, you was hit by delivery van on your way from work yesterday and you're here for your judgment call. It is God you speak with.
John looks shocked and starts laughing.
John: God as in the big mighty dude who supposedly created the world, the enemy of all mighty Satan? This must be a joke am I on Pranke'd or something? No I must be on one of these practical jokes show.
The angels look bemused at what John's saying.
Angel 245: What's Pranke'd??????
Angel 789: It's a show where they do pranks on each other, but this is going to be good I need popcorn!!!!! I love these judgment calls!!!!
God: Yes it is I, why did you never believe in me?
John: Because you, "you're" a theory that enslaved people, where were you where my people were in slavery, where were you in my life?
God: The world forsaked me from the beginning of time, Satan used them to destroy and cover up my works, they created national holidays claiming to be in Jesus name, but did commercial cover ups to dismiss Me, as for the slave movement I sent my angels down and gave them instructions and a blue print and no one had the faith to be freed, before the activist movement came along, your people could've been freed way before and I was always there for you, I saved you from getting killed that time at the party you went to when you was 17 years old.
A golden, shiny wide screen appears and it turns on and shows the time John was at a party and two guys come in with guns when one of them tells John to bend down, he puts a gun to his head, as he's about to pull the trigger, two police men come in out of no where and catch the perpetrators one of the police men winks at John as he arrests one of them.
God: You should be thanking Angel 245 and Angel 789 for that as I got them to act as police, because by the time the actual police would've got there you would've been dead your aunts prayer saved you.
Angel 245 and Angel 789 wink at him and he remembers the wink and he starts to clock on and can't believe what he see's but starts laughing again. All the angels start laughing and God starts smiling.
John: Yh right God, okay God if that's the case why would you give us free will to do what we want? How can you punish me for doing what I want?
God: I gave everyone free will because if I wanted people to do what I want it would too be easy so I put a conscious in everyone and I gave everyone free will so people can decide for themselves. Did I put a gun to your head when you was having an affair with your wife's sister? Did I force you steal funds from work? Did I tell you to commit tax fraud?
John looks so confused he stands in shock, flash backs of his sins coming running to his mind, and he starts to be weary.
John: But God you never gave me a chance to serve you, how could I have been a Christian when it's so corrupt, full of scandal and pastors take our money?
God: So I never gave you a chance?
The angels looks at him profusely in confusion, while he looks away covered in shame.
John: Well.........
God: Angel 674 turn on the TV and forward to the chances John forsook me
Angel 674 get his hand out and opens his fingers the plasma screen turns on, cutaways of John rejecting his aunt invitation to come to church, of a 20 year old John in uni disrespecting his uni mates invitation to come Christian Union and John shouting at an evangelist and kicking their stand full of Bibles while they preached to him on the street.
God: So I didn't give you a chance?
John starts to well up crying, while the angels look non interested, and God sits taps his knees.
John: God I'm so sorry, for being ignorant. Please give me another chance I listened to the world, society I know that you are real please give me another chance, I'll serve you please!!!!
John begs and cries like a new born baby.
God: You had chances upon chances, I saved your aunt, I saved your nan and your cousin Sarah, Tyrone and Tilly, I saved you from being killed you even blasphemed me.
John: I know I know, I'M SORRY!!!!!!
God: Me and the angel comity under the spiritual sanction of your Lord's counsel-ship have made our decision, I God, the creator of the world, the father of our Lord Jesus and the author of all things condemn you to the pits of hell. Angels take him away.
John shouts begs and pleads and as the Angels take his away put him a white pod that reads "Destination: The Fiery Furnace"
Angel 647: Another soul going to hell damn, that's the 12th million soul that's gone this week.
Angel 245: It's a damn shame God had plans to use him to be a pastor that specializes in prosperity with his financial knowledge, God was going to give him a mega church but he ate his cake so he can have it.
The pod takes him to a dark, and crimson surrounding with fire every where gnashing teeth, Matthew 13:42 are in the ceilings scares John and he hears many souls screaming, crying, melting and burning. The devil looks at him.
Satan: Welcome to the land of fire enjoy the ride.
John screams while you hear the other lost souls scream with him.
Thank you for reading my story this was a fictional story, but what we do in our lives will determined if we are saved or being in hell no matter what you believe in or your Christian stance hell and heaven is real the devil is working hard to take many souls to hell. This is not to scare anyone but the Holy Spirit had put this in my heart to share and bring people to God, whether you take this on or not it's not my business but from reading this you can't deny you wasn't given a chance. We are all given a chance whether it's an invitation to church, whether it's an evangelist preaching to you, or a Christian Youtube channel or blogs like mine everyday God gives us a chance it's up to seize it or not.
Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs, want to share your story or want to know more about Christianity
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