“God if I’m not going to spiritually grow by 2019 then I’ll be leaving the church and turning my back on Christianity”

“So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my” mouth. Revelations 3:16 I know you guys are reading the headline and are gobbed with it, but I had enough. I had enough of being lukewarm, I had enough of wasting 13 years in the church and I had enough of not being the man of God I was meant to be when God first called me in 2005. Happy New Year people I know it’s been so long since my last blog and I wanted to give my testimony and story to make Christians wake up and make us think. Luke warmness happens in the Christian community all the time, we all know people who don’t take their walk with God seriously, who are hot and cold. Whether it be family, friends, colleagues, clients and this is not what God called us to be, we as Christians have to set the bar high, we have to be examples and make people come to Christ not put them off Him. So back to my initial point I remember thinking to myself in October last year that I haven’t received...