“God if I’m not going to spiritually grow by 2019 then I’ll be leaving the church and turning my back on Christianity”

“So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my” mouth. Revelations 3:16

I know you guys are reading the headline and are gobbed with it, but I had enough. I had enough of being lukewarm, I had enough of wasting 13 years in the church and I had enough of not being the man of God I was meant to be when God first called me in 2005. Happy New Year people I know it’s been so long since my last blog and I wanted to give my testimony and story to make Christians wake up and make us think. Luke warmness happens in the Christian community all the time, we all know people who don’t take their walk with God seriously, who are hot and cold. Whether it be family, friends, colleagues, clients and this is not what God called us to be, we as Christians have to set the bar high, we have to be examples and make people come to Christ not put them off Him.

So back to my initial point I remember thinking to myself in October last year that I haven’t received the Holy Spirit, I’m in & out of sin, my church attendance is up and down & I’m tired of painting this picture I’m this Christian of principle but I’m thirsting for women, arguing with customers at work and dealing with my skeletons in my closet. So one time I was seeking God and for the last 4 months I told God if I don’t fix up by New Years I’ll leave. I was ready to leave guys I was ready to go partying, womanize and live in sin. Because I can’t be a Christian whose expiring in the church warming up the seat as if my name is Aaron Ramsey. By mid December I decided to give my life back to God, I received the presence of God I gave up so many things even an ex, malicious thoughts, my ego and even my pride.  I see it and seen it through the years, people who play with their faith, who treat church as a bus stop for hell. I had enough I always aimed that 2019 will be the year of springboard of my faith.

I always vowed that if those close to me no disrespect to them doesn’t want to take their faith serious, then I will. Not that I’m better but I don’t want to be a follower. We are always comparing our faith to others we are always justifying why we don’t grow as “My fellow believers are up and down so why can’t I?” We forget that the word says that Lord will come back for the rapture like a burglar in the night, 1 Thessalonians 5:2. Like imagine we are living are lives doing as we please and Jesus comes back and we are sent to hell, because we didn’t watch our faith, we didn’t sow into our spiritual lives. Remember the story of the 5 foolish virgins who didn’t light their lamps and when the groom came they were left outside and took their L, Matthew 25:1-13. This is how it will be in judgment day or when we die if we are not careful and we are not saved and the day we leave this earth we go to hell and Jesus will die us say he never us. Matthew 7:21-23
To conclude this I’m not telling you guys to give God an ultimatum like I did, my spiritual adviser warned me I was being emotional, and so on and so fourth but I wasn’t. I was using my faith and I didn’t want to waste my time and God’s time anymore. It’s a New Year; we will be a year older how long we will be slaves to sin? How long will we be addicted and Stan (idolize) the things and humans of this world i.e. social media, celebrities, job, partner, family? How long will we put God to the side and serve our own will? A lot of us believers have been in spiritual slumber for too long like I was, we can’t let another 52 weeks, 12 months and 365 days go past and we are not growing with God don’t be like me and waste x amount of years before its too late. God want’s you to come to him now and serve Him and be the Christian you can be.   

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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