Highway To Hell Part 2 The Believers Edition

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"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.  Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" Matthew 7: 21-23

Disclaimer: this is a fictional story of what the after life could be like if we are not careful with our salvation this is not to judge, attack or criticize anyone.

Folake Adeleke 24 died on February 23rd at 11.04 pm of an drug overdose from a night out with friends. Her soul enters the kingdom of heaven where there's a long que where souls are awaiting their judgement. Folake smiles with joy as she believes she's going to heaven, but is she? 

God: Folake Funke Bisi Adeleke I God of the High Heaven summon you to your judgement case.

Angel 645 and Angel 743 look at each, Angel 645 smiles cheekily and shake’s their head. 

Angel 743: Why are you smiling so hard? 

Angel 645: Pride cometh before the fall pride cometh before the fall she really thinks she coming to join us, it's funny how people think confidently they're in for a funny surprise. 

Angel 743: It's really not that funny, you're a weirdo.

Angel 645: Why you gotta spoil the fun? 

Folake looks up in joy and admires the white, gold and cloudy scenery. 

Folake: God you're beautiful it's nothing like how you're described on earth heaven looks so amazing I can't wait to join. 

God: What make's you so sure you're coming here? 

Folake looks astonished as if God asked her a silly question.

Folake: Well God as you saw I was the youth leader, and in charge of the praise and worship team. I've been in the church since I was baby; my parents raised me to be a Christian. I served in the catering team and I saved many souls how can I not be in heaven? 

God: Do you remember how you died? 

Folake: Well God you know how it get's with temptation, just as Adam the first human ate the apple? 

Folake looks nervous. 

God: You know in my word it says your body is temple of the Holy Spirit 1st Corinthians 6:19 and yet you died filling up your body with drugs and not just any drugs, illegal class A drugs. 

Folake remembers her and her friends in the women's lavatory of a swanky club in Soho and her doing lines of cocaine. She then suddenly falls down and dies. 

Folake: Well you know God if it's any consolation I was going to bring them to church. 

God: That is not the point Folake, what you did was illegal and my word in Romans 13:2 clearly says to obey the law. 

Folake looks worried and start's to sweat. 

Folake: God I'm sure I'm not the first Christian to you know........ to overdose I have flaws and I was going to repent. 

God: You're sitting here justifying yourself is only digging a deeper hole for yourself, that's your problem you love making up an excuse for everything, you're proud you had this problem on earth you're too prideful, you didn't listen to your pastors, your parents, your lecturers you know one of the things I hate is pride 

Folake has a flashback of her and her pastor arguing in his office last week Sunday.

Pastor: Fola come into my office I want a word with you. 

Folake follows pastor into his office and sits down. 

Pastor: How are you Fola? I wanted to have a chat with as your parents have told me some disturbing things about you.

Folake: Me???

Pastor Yes you or you have a twin abi? 

Folake: No Pastor my parents are harsh on me you don't under...............

Pastor looks alarmed and interrupts her as she talks.

Pastor: Your parents tell me you come home late and bring friends and make noise in the house, they tell you to clean up you don't do it and you argue & insult them. 

Folake: I went out I'm 24 years old, surely I can come home as I please? you was young once Pastor I'm sure you had your fun? Yh I made a little noise. And I was going to clean in my own time, just later and they provoke me. 

Pastor: Why do you make an excuse for everything? Folake this is not how you were raised this church teaches you to honor your father and mother your day's shall be longer. Exodus 20:12 Folake you cause so much trouble, it was only 2 weeks ago I caught you stealing from the offering. I promised not to tell your parents. I taught you better than this. I hate to do this but I'm relieving you off your leadership duties in the Youth Institution and the choir duty. 

Folake: Pastor please I made a mistake you're being harsh, you can't do this!

Pastor: I have and this is not up for discussion I've spoken to you, you don't listen you don't know how to take instructions you need to work on your character and conduct if you are to be a leader here. I suggest you repent and get right with God. 

Folake: I'm the best leader here you're making a mistake; you're always on my case. 

Folake storms off and slams the door, Pastor sighs and looks bemused. Folake opens the door. 

Folake: By the way you've lost just one of your finest members to ever grace this church, I'm leaving!!! By the way your sermons and boring and out-dated I rather watch paint dry you're going to regret doing this. 

Folake looks at God and starts crying. 

God: Oh so you remember now? What did Pastor Femi do deserve such disgusting treatment? My faithful servant who done nothing but good and lovely to you and your family.

Folake: God I was angry I didn't mean it; you know I have anger issues. 

God: You were a leader, you preached in the Christian union's, you were a very bad testimony on earth I gave you so many chances? 

Folake drops on her knees and wells of rivers from her eyes and sobs like a baby. 

Folake: Send me back to earth I'll change, there's souls I need to save, my boyfriend needs to be saved, the youths in the church many of them are in sins. 

God look’s, smiles and shakes his head.

God: Oh now you want to saves souls, you now you want to save your boyfriend Matthew from the Prison Outreach team who you were fornicating with? The youth's you were gossiping, binge drinking and shoplifting with?????? Those souls???? They know the truth and the word the church is there, my word is there, Youtube is there, my angels are there. Your assistance is not needed. I've made my judgment. Folake, Angels rise up.

Angel 743 hand’s him a big shiny golden book that reads “The Book Of Life” while God take’s out a white and ruby crystal clear pencil with a shiny green kryptonite eraser, he opens the book of life and erases Folake’s name. 

Angel 645: I told you. I told you! I love this job my fave part of the day!!! 

Angel 743: You need to get a grip.

Angel 645 gets out a tablet out and touches the "Pod Lift Of" option on it, a pod crashes down that reads "Destination Fiery Furnace" 

Folake: God please, please send me back..... I don't want to go hell one more chance, one more chance. 

God: Quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and the angel comity under the spiritual sanction of your Lord's counsel-ship have made our decision, I God, the creator of the world, the father of our Lord Jesus and the author of all things condemn you to the pits of hell. Angels take him away. 

Angel 743 & 645 carry Folake away as she screams in panic, they throw her in the pod and close it, Angel 645 get the tablet and touches the "Send To Destination Hell" option. Folake as the pod is flying away Folake screams. 

Folake: No!!!! No!!!!!! 

Angel 743: This breaks my heart God was going to give her the youth ministry and she was going to lead it, it was going to be the biggest youth ministry in the U.K where many were going to be saved, she was going to have a Youtube Channel, her own live show about youth ministry on Sky TV. It's so sad seeing potential going to waste. 

Angel 645: Do you remember that bishop that was involved in that rape scandal in the U.S that we sent to hell last week? 

Angel 743: Yh Deacon Brotchy Manfield.

Angel 645: It's so sad that was the 7th million Christian we've sent to hell this week. 

I know this story probably scared you, but this wasn't the case, salvation is something not talked about in most churches, it's something that's swept under the carpet in the Christian community and I don't know why. How many Christian's, pastors, evangelists, church leaders and church goers are in hell right now wishing they were us writing of their wrongs? Probably millions maybe billions. The thought of hell scares me I want to be in heaven rejoicing with the angels and the heroes of faith in the Bible. I know you do too, if there's a sin, if there's things that you're doing, if there's bad habits or toxic traits like pride that Folake had, people or romantic partners that are corrupting your faith for the sake of your salvation cut them off you can be a Christian your whole life, pray everyday and be very active in your church like Folake was and still go to hell nothing or no one in this world is worth going to hell for.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
Mark 8:36

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs, want to share your story or want to know more about Christianity
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