You Don't Have To Lose Your Identity When You Come To Christ

A lot of Christians have an identity crisis when they come to God, before you get offended and start calling me Satan, please read this blog before you get outraged like the Twitter Brigade who want to cancel everyone and anyone. But I can't be cancelled nor can anyone, as grace and favor cancels such **flicks imaginary weave** but that's a topic for another day. And if you do read this blog and think I'm shaking tables please forward this and make a complaint to my bishop.

So when I meant some believers lose their identity, I mean we can become boring, performative and believe we have to change ourselves, i.e stop listening to music, only listening to gospel which is not bad but it can be fanatic because not all mainstream music is satanic, they're in church more and forget other commitments, forcing Christianity on others or the one I hate the most seeing us Christians do always over talking about the Bible and the things of God on our social media's ahhhhh even God rested on the 7th day.

The reason why I say this is because this was me, when I gave my life to God I became a robot and lost myself because my church projected me into being this woke, fanatic Christian who stigmatized everything and would be a snob, well it's not entirely their fault, I'll take accountability in my head I thought if I become this judgmental, attention seeking Pharisee of a Christian that it would bring me to God and I'll be the best Christian I can be. I was always in church not making time for other commitments and neglecting my family which caused a rife in my house, I  also had to tone down my personality so I didn't step on toes, even to the way I dress.

I was enlighten in 2015 and had my own relationship with God, where I discerned for myself not what my church or the pastor says. I know not everything that's not Christian content is demonic I have personality which I love and not the personality of a bored goldfish looking for flakes to eat.

Being a Christian is not reading the Bible and going to church 24/7.  It's not being snobby, it's not following a set rules of a Christian establishment. It's being the best human you can be while fighting the devil and his principalities. When you give your life to God yes you cut of things and people that lead you to sin but you do not over do it like some of God's children do, hence why I feel the older generation failed us as a lot of them and church gave us this false reality that one must tone down who they are so they can be "closer to God". Yes you can go out, you can have interests in sports, music TV & other things, you can be bubbly, funny and outgoing BUT WITH MODERATION these things cannot be our idols or override God.

Remember Jesus had a social life and a big personality, if your church is dictating who you are because of your faith then is that church for you? if  our fellow believers are telling us to dim our light so we ca be Android 18, 19 and 34 from Dragon Ball Z are they Christians we should be around?

Being unique is a blessing and is why God chose you to come to Him, God cannot use fanatical, extremist and performative Christians, hence why the Pharisees were at the bottom of the barrel, no shade.

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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