New Age & Progressive Christianity

There's a new wave of Christians in our community and they're called Progressive Christians. But believe me, they're anything but no offence, they're spewing this agenda that you can remix the Bible like a P Diddy or DJ Khaled song. The Bible is black and white, very firm and we cannot fit our agendas to serve God on how we want, but we must serve God on how HE WANTS US TO SERVE HIM. 

Progressive Christianity has been around before this new spearheaded movement had a title, led by one of their pioneers Christian Youtuber, God Is Grey she spews dodgy ideologies such as you can sleep around before getting married. Many of them believe that there is no heaven and hell, that some parts of the Bible are not real, you don't have to tithe or give offerings which totally contradicts Malachi 3 and that spiritually speaking we can have our cake and eat it and not be held accountable. I'm not here to judge or condemn anyone's ideologies, faith or spiritual walk with God but I'm here to hold myself and every fellow Christian accountable as God has used me to write these blogs. These guys are misquoting scripture and could be leading people astray. God convicts us and so does the teachings in the word too, we cannot move the goalposts to serve God as we want. This is what made Lucifer become the devil, I'm not saying Progressive Christians are undercover agents of hell, but Lucifer wanted to manipulate God's plan and go overboard in his role in heaven as he was the leader of music, he wanted more and wanted to be God, where he tried to overtake Him, where it landed him and the fallen angels which then became his demons. When we disobey God we play into the devil's hands, when we begin to follow our will instead of God's we follow the devils it's either we serve God or we serve Satan, it's either we obey the laws of the word or we rebel like Satan did we can't have the best of both worlds as the Bible says "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons." 1 Corinthians 10:21

I know the last paragraph was harsh and I have to be real with you guys, in these blogs I will not be appeasing anyone's ego or sins and not even in my own. If you are a Progressive please pray to God and ask if your ideologies are from Him or your understanding? I have nothing against you guys or your ideas but they don't align with the scriptures. Lack of knowledge is killing our Christians where Hosea 4:6  vocalizes "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children." When we are born again and come to God we must discern, head to God's way and obey and I feel this is where Progressives get lost because they're doing things of their own strength and knowledge to fit their agenda and when we serve God there shouldn't be any strife so we can do as we please. Yes, we are not perfect, yes Christianity has its flaws and there are contexts in the Bible that can come across as confusing and contradictory but we must discern from God and not what we think we know. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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