Only God Can Fill Your Void

I gave my life to God at 16 and it was then I learnt that is only through God and His Holy Spirit that can fill the void that I had in me for years, I looked to social media, clout, food, validation, sports, fashion and media but it was only until I leaned on God and His spirit that, the void was filled. People look to addictions, the pleasures of this world and some sort of solace but these pleasures are temporary and never fulfilling. I don't mean to sound cheesy or corny but trust me only but it's only the Holy Spirit that can get you through tribulations of this life, through your mental health and our depression when we have the 9 fruits of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 talks about we are calm, we are reassured and we are at peace, God can bring the closure that, that therapist can't, I'm not saying don't get professional help from physicians, doctors and health professionals, but sometimes as believers we don't use our faith intelligently and just think G...