Way On Not To Get Distracted In Church

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.Luke 10:38-42 

We all live in a hustle and bustle lifestyle where we are constantly worrying about our bills, what's for dinner tonight? Or our anxieties that's why it's hard to stay focus in church, I know I'm not the only one who does this, one minute I could be daydreaming about scoring a goal for Nigeria in the next World Cup, pathetic right, lol one can only dream, right? Or I'm thinking about if there's enough food to live on in my house, all these distractions can make you miss the sermon or forget the message, another tactic Satan uses to trap believers, here are some ways to keep focused in church. 

Being Organized

Too many times in church we distract ourselves by fidgeting and looking for our Bibles, that's in our bags that has our whole life in them, so bring your Bible out before the service starts or get with the times and use the Bible app on your phone, making sure your phone is on silent, notifications are off and your device is on aero plane mode. (Please make sure all devices are switched off or on silent that's another tip!!!!!!)

Not Looking Around 

I don't know what it is but we as humans love to look around, this is another distraction, we're busy looking at the ushers moving around, whose kid is crying (parents please unless your child is a newborn send your kids to Sunday School the church invest so much in Sunday School so kids can learn, utilize these resources) and whose come in late, when we are in church we should always be in spirit so keep your eyes on the pastor when he's preaching, eyes are closed when praying and fix your eyes in one place so you're not distracted!

Do Not Arrive Late 

The biggest distraction in church, is coming late, you've missed chunks of the meeting, you're looking for a seat that now you got parts of the congregation looking at you and you're distracting them too, plan your journey, wake up on time and plan your outfit the day before!!!!!!!! Yes ladies' that was specifically aimed at you lol!!!!!! Sometimes things happen but sometimes a lot of us are purposely late and you know when we are always late to church we show no reverence and give a defiled offering to God we wouldn't be fashionably late to work or dinner with the Queen so why do it for God? Yes things happen like traffic, your devices where your alarm is on is malfunctioning or the kids are playing up, which is understandable but continualness, purposely coming late is not on!

There are so many things in life that distract us that can potentially be stumbling blocks, we go to church to learn the word of God and worship so let's not, let anything get in the way of that!!!!! Hope these tips helped. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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