"I'm Too Busy To Serve God"

"He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come." Matthew 22:3 Just to give context to the above verse there was a great feast and the king invited his guests but they all gave excuses and were too busy to come, so he ended up inviting the homeless and the people who were less deemed important in society. How many of us are invited by God to the feast of heaven and salvation but we say or claim we are too "busy" for it? Have you ever heard people say they're too busy to pray, go to church or do their devotions? How many times have we made this excuse? We want to conquer careers, families and the latest series on Netflix but what about God? Remember that famous verse? Why gain the whole world but lose our soul? Mark 8:33-34 I'm not saying this to trigger, judge or insult anyone as life is very demanding with our responsibilities and careers we have. But we HAVE yes I repeat HAVE to have a...