Tips On Being A Man Of God


But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. 1 Timothy 6:11

In a time where men are not men, not assuming our abilities and lack of male role models in our society it's hard for a man to assume his identity and follow God, where the ways of this world which distorts our relationship with God, in today's blog I will be giving my 3 tips on how to be a man of God. 

1. Being in a church and joining a fellowship

All men of God should be doing some sort of fellowship with other Christian's, fellowship was the backbone of Christianity in its first days as men of God we should join a local church, be active in our church and bring God to our communities. The Bible say's "When Two Or More Are Gathered God Is With Them. This is what I most commonly hear. Often said by a church leader at a gathering to show that God is present with them because there are two or more gathered" Matthew 18:20

2. Treating women with respect and being their allies in the fight for female empowerment

There's a lot of foul, stupid and silly misogynistic and sexist views that police, discriminate and bully women and women in the church a real man of God, is not sexist or misogynistic, he understands the fight for feminism, he doesn't move entitled or mistreat women, remember the word say's "Love your neighbours as yourselves." Mark 12:30-31

3. Being held accountable 

All men of God should be humble enough to own our wrongs, our flaws and sins, I've seen many men and we know of stories where many male heroes of the Bible fell into sin because they were proud and didn't work on themselves as men, every day we should ourselves and our fellow brothers in Christ as the word says the more humble we are the more God will exalt us. Matthew 23:12

Honourable mentions: staying away from sexual immorality, being on time, organised and hygienic, being an example in our community, family & work place and honouring your close ones.  

The world always tells us that the more girls we sleep with, the less we cry and the more toxic we are the more of a man we are but this is not God's will for us, He wants us to be someone with honour, grace and humbleness, something this broken society that Satan owns contradicts, may we all as men of God be better to get better with God and be examples in our community. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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