
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Spirit Of Jezebel

When people think of the term Jezebel they think it's to do with women, a woman made Samuel fall, a woman made Adam eat the apple as this narrative is pushed, but men can also have the spirit of Jezebel it's never a gender-neutral role.  What is the spirit of Jezebel? This is when a believer makes another believer fall, backslide into sin, someone who corrupts their fellow believers or makes them leave the faith, just as the devil can use music, media, careers and other things to make Christians slip up, he can also use fellow Christians. Why do you think there is so much division in the modern-day church? Because the devil has put in the spirit of Jezebel in pastors, church leaders and other members, the term Jezebel has always been synonymous with someone leading someone into fornication or sexual immorality. But on the contrary, the spirit of Jezebel is leading someone to sin. We are meant to guide, lead, encourage and set the example of being a good follower not the opposit...

Free Will

  You know that question atheists ask "if God gave us free will why are we going to hell for our free will?" Once again we are in a society where people don't want to believe in God, but blame God and yet we don't take accountability.  God gave us free will so He can let us live our life so we can find Him for ourselves, you do know if God wanted to He could easily control us, and we would all be robots under His command, see it as university where it's not like school or college where your teachers are not on your case to do your work or assignments, whereas university is like 80% independent study where you're in sole charge of passing your assessments as your tutors leave you to it and barely help you. God is like university yes He will teach us, guide us but it's up to us to find salvation, develop our faith and grow in our walk.  It's not God's fault there are terrorists, it's not God's fault that there are poor kids starving in third ...

"Only God Can Judge Me"

  Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.  John 7:24 How many times have we said and or have we heard others say this? But the above verse means holding others accountable, giving constructive criticism and correcting others but there are two types of judgements being condemned and being righteously judged.  Technically yes only God can judge us but people can judge us through righteous judging so when people say it, sometimes its kop out because they don't want to be held accountable or they don't like to be told the truth, sometimes this saying in society to deflect us from being held accountable, the Bible tells us that we should be corrected with love, heed to correction and be meek like young children who sponge of the adults that raise them as it's quoted in  1st Corinthians 10:1. Yes, no one has the right to attack you or throw stones at your glasshouses, but people do have the right to hold you accountable if you're in the wrong. ...

"I'm Not Perfect Though"

  "I'm Not Perfect" How many times have we heard the above statement? We all know we are not perfect and never will be, but as believers, we should all strive for it, strive to be used by God, strive to be righteous and strive for salvation.  God doesn't want perfection, He wants us to be righteous, what is righteousness? To be right and holy before God, righteous in our family, workplace, community to be a testimony before God wherever we walk in this world, look at the Bible God used thieves, killers guys who did minimum wage jobs and considered to be lowest of the lowest in society, so if God wanted perfection we are all doomed and He wouldn't save us as no one is perfect but Him.  To conclude many people justify their wrongs by saying the famous "I'm not perfect" Even I've used this catchphrase but to be honest I admit my flaws, sins and my skeletons in the closet, yes we are very far from perfection but we must humble ourselves, confess our ...