The Spirit Of Jezebel

When people think of the term Jezebel they think it's to do with women, a woman made Samuel fall, a woman made Adam eat the apple as this narrative is pushed, but men can also have the spirit of Jezebel it's never a gender-neutral role. What is the spirit of Jezebel? This is when a believer makes another believer fall, backslide into sin, someone who corrupts their fellow believers or makes them leave the faith, just as the devil can use music, media, careers and other things to make Christians slip up, he can also use fellow Christians. Why do you think there is so much division in the modern-day church? Because the devil has put in the spirit of Jezebel in pastors, church leaders and other members, the term Jezebel has always been synonymous with someone leading someone into fornication or sexual immorality. But on the contrary, the spirit of Jezebel is leading someone to sin. We are meant to guide, lead, encourage and set the example of being a good follower not the opposit...