"I'm Not Perfect Though"


"I'm Not Perfect"

How many times have we heard the above statement? We all know we are not perfect and never will be, but as believers, we should all strive for it, strive to be used by God, strive to be righteous and strive for salvation. 

God doesn't want perfection, He wants us to be righteous, what is righteousness? To be right and holy before God, righteous in our family, workplace, community to be a testimony before God wherever we walk in this world, look at the Bible God used thieves, killers guys who did minimum wage jobs and considered to be lowest of the lowest in society, so if God wanted perfection we are all doomed and He wouldn't save us as no one is perfect but Him. 

To conclude many people justify their wrongs by saying the famous "I'm not perfect" Even I've used this catchphrase but to be honest I admit my flaws, sins and my skeletons in the closet, yes we are very far from perfection but we must humble ourselves, confess our sins and be held accountable remember we should strive for grace and righteousness, not perfection.

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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