Social Media Detox Challenge


I challenge all Christians to take a social media break and concentrate on their faith. In modern-day times as much as there's fornication, greed and the lusts of this world, social media is another form that is blocking a Christian's spiritual life. 

"But why are you telling us this Ayo? Social media is a bit of fun" Just to emphasise on my beginning statement, social media which can be a great ally, can also be a sworn enemy, with false doctrines being spread on line, hours of scrolling on hot topics and people's posts for hours on end social media can be a hindrance and may lead you to have an addiction to it, which is a sin called gluttony that's mentioned in Romans 13:14, so my challenge whether you choose to accept as it's not by force is to take a social media detox it can be as long as you like, it can be a day, a week or month I do 3 weeks, 3 or 4 times a year and the way God speaks to me is so clear, so many revelations. So instead of scrolling read, watch, listen to more Christian content, instead of going from app to app, pray and read the Bible or do productive things like clean your room, spend time with the family, this detox is to get right with God and have your properties in check. 

I'm honestly telling you I've benefited from this and you can too I was someone who was addicted and let social media dictate my walk with God and my life, don't let the clout of retweets and likes make you think you have to be validated by this world don't let ex Christians spouting their bitter agendas make you leave the faith, social media can be such a big distraction to one's faith, why else do you think it's become such a great tool for Satan in these past couple of decades. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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Facebook: Ayo Balogun

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