Is It Wrong To Party or Rave?

There has always been this life-long debate in Christianity if partying is a sin? Some will say yes, some will say no but the real question is are you accused when you party? What does your discernment say when you rave? 

To answer this question my answer is it depends on the context, for example, if you're a Christian who does photography, steward or works in a rave then no you're not, because you are working for money, but if you go to these environments to indulge in womanising, drugs, fornication and partying to the music of this world then yes as Matthew 5:30 comprehends if something causes you to sin then you cut it off. Like I say to Christians if you're asking if something is sin ask yourself what does your conviction or the Holy Spirit tell you when you take part in these activities? 

Topic's like this are very complex and diverse because there's no definitive answer, it's down to your conscience, your conviction, my personal opinion is that I'd advise all believers to not party because it can lead you to many sins, do I go partying? Very rarely to show love and celebrate my friends or loved party but because of my discernment I don't stay for long because partying and raving environments doesn't sit right with my spirit, as these things have no interest to me, but that might not be the case for another believer, topics like this we cannot project or force our conviction on others because it's down to a spiritual conviction. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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