Honour Those Around You

We all know the famous verse give to God what's God and Cesar what's Caesars, this verse wasn't only about paying taxes, tithes and offerings but the bit where it says you should give to Caesar what's his, it wasn't only taxes that the verse meant it also could mean honouring those around and anything you have an obligation to. As we must give man what we owe to them. 

How do we as God's children honour those around us? Being obedient and giving to family, honouring your friends, honouring your work colleagues and managers, honouring your church, the congregation and the church leaders not only people you should honour, honour your bills, contracts, God cannot honour those who don't honour their earthly obligations as well as our spiritual ones, remember as I always say in these blogs we must be a great testimony to God at all times and through our time on this earth, yes we are not perfect, we fall short at times but God loves a trier. 

The reason why it's harder to bring people to God, and people don't respect Christianity is because a lot of us and I'll put my hand in the air, of being guilty of this, is because we've/I've given a bad advert of the faith, how can we bring our family to God if we are not obedient and act mad at home? How can we tell the outside world about Jesus if we are not loving, kind and honourable to those around us this is why as Christians we must honour those around us!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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