The Truth Wants To Set You Free So Why Are You Triggered By It?

We are in days where, unfortunately, we are in an over sensitive society/generation where the truth triggers and offends people, the truth will always set us free as they say honesty is the best policy.

Many Christians don't like the truth, our pastors hold us accountable, we leave the church, our close ones correct us, we want to fight and argue with them, the preacher preaches about a sin you're doing, you're angry but why? One of the bases of our faith is, to be honest, tell the truth and be held accountable so why does it offend us? This is pride and it's what made Lucifer, Satan take away your pride and ego and humble yourself because the truth is not meant to offend, it's meant to correct us to hold us accountable. 

I'm so passionate about this because I was this Christian, that was stubborn, egotistical and proud you couldn't tell me anything because I thought I was always right but God had to humble me!!!!!! Now when I hear a truth that I don't like I have to humble myself and change it to be better, am I perfect and I'm still on a journey of holding myself accountable but I/you will not be offended by the truth that has to set us free. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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