
Showing posts from September, 2015

Time To Step Up

It's time for us as Christians to take our spiritual life to another level!!!!! We may be right with God, we may be saved, but there's no time to relax and be complacent because that's when we become proud and or even fall. And to those Christians (I don't know who you are, because I can't judge") who are in the church and don't take their faith serious IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP AND STEP UP!!!!!!! The spiritual war is not a joke are we going to be a servant that goes to heaven to rejoice or another of many "Christians" who will burn in hell (and I mean many because many Christians even Christians leaders will go there) because they aren’t saved or didn't value their spiritual life when they were on earth. Just as Satan is working harder and making new ways for people to slip up and take souls to his kingdom, even more so to give more for ourselves to God.  We only please God and grow in our spiritual life, are when we show the work

Spiritual Priorities

If you ask me "what's the main principle of being a Christian?" I would tell you it's to put God and the things of God FIRST!!!!!!! But this is the thing that I don't see much of Christians in this era, most of us don't value our spiritual priorities or sadly don't have any. What do I mean by spiritual priorities? It's how we prioritize the things of God and how we serve God in our day to day lives. This is what saddens me, slowly and slowly many Christians put God and their faith as the last thing on their list of priorities. There's always an excuse why we didn't go to church, why we didn't pray, why we don't seek or fast and so on and so on, because we put our lives, the things of this world and our busy schedules before God. Okay it doesn't help that we live in the era of technology and demanding work and commitment schedules in life but surely if we serve a great God surely we can make time for him in a 24 hour day??? Com

Know Who We're Fighting Against

As Christians or the world in fact think demons and angels are a fairy tale. But is not if you're really of Christ you'll know about the spiritual war that goes on between the angels and demons. Our beef is with Satan and his kingdom not with people we know, people at work and so fourth it's with the devil, he's the one taken us from our blessing, he's the one detoxifying this world. In Matthew chapter 11 verse 12, it says the Kingdom of God suffer violence and the violence take it by force, meaning Christians and Christianity will suffer flooding attacks by Satan and his works and we have to be ready to fight back, I don't mean physically this is not Tekken or Street Fighter, but spiritually "How do we do this Ayo?" You may ask but following Gods word, fasting, praying rebuking the devil and not giving into temptation. Whether we like it or once we give our life to Christ the devil is hungry for our soul. Hence why in this spiritual war zone the

Invest Invest Invest

“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20   We need to invest in our spiritual walk with God, our faith, our relationship with the lord, because if we don’t we are destined to fall even worse leave the presences of God or leave Christianity as a whole. Many give up on the faith because they stopped praying, stopped going to church, stopped fasting and so and so on. “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38 There’s the saying “We put in what we put out” meaning people are more successful or better at doing things because they give more, they do more, they’re willing to sacrifice more. This relates to our relationship with God, why are there strong, faithful Christians and weak, disobedient Christians? Because the ones who a