Never Sacrifice Your Salvation For Money!!!!!!!

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."  Exodus 20 8-11

As most of you know I handed in my notice last Friday because my company make me work on the Sabbath day, Sunday. Before I get into this week's blog I just want to state I'm not here to condemn any Christian that works on Sunday, I'm not here to boast about my faith or offend any Christian that works on their respective Sabbath day. I just want to state that we're here to serve God not money and I honestly feel a lot of Christians of today's society do that. 

“Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work. It is a Sabbath to the Lord in all your dwelling places." Leveticus 23:3 

It clearly states in the Bible that the Sabbath is to go to church to serve and rest for the rest  day. Work 6 days a week and rest on the 7th whether the Sabbath is on Saturday or on a Sunday will always be debatable which I will leave for another day, another Blog. But as a Christian me personally working on Sunday takes away the focus of going to church why do I say this? Because in the service you wont be in spirit as much as you should because you'll be thinking about work, you'll be thinking about what time you need to leave the service early. Which is why I don't advise any Christian to be working on the Sabbath, I'm not saying don't, I'm not telling you to quit your job like I have. But speaking from experience and my current situation working on the Sabbath in these last 3 months have depressed and made me moody, I couldn't be in spirit during the sermon because I was thinking I had to leave early looking at the time, to make sure I leave early not be late. It's also distracting to your faith because your mind will be thinking about your shift and not the message of the sermon. Okay there's other things that distract us when we're in church like our problems, plans for the up and coming week, what we going to have for dinner and so on and so on. But for me it's another tool the devil can use to drag us from our faith. I know many people who were in the presence of God but ever since they started working on Sunday's they went down in their faith and ended up leaving Christianity.  "But I've worked on Sunday's for years and I'm still strong with God" You may say but people have different faiths some Christians can be easily lured from Christianity to the kingdom of the world and Satan's. And by making Christians work on the Sabbath this could be one of his (Satan's) tricks. 

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." Exodus 20.8 
Do you know what I love about the Muslims? They're stern in their faith they don't let anyone or anything come in their faith? Do you think any company will make a Muslim work on the day of mass or when they celebrate Ra-madam? Of course not because they know Muslims will not have any of it. And I believe we should learn from them, as most Christians are not stern and let anyone and everyone ridicule our faith, we need to be bold like Daniel and Gideon was in the Bible. This picture represents me this is how I look at work angry, moody and stressed because I cant serve my God freely on a Sunday. It makes me angry that a Muslim can have a day off on their Sabbath and Christians like me can't. I'm not saying Muslims don't deserve of course they do EVERY faith does. That's why I quit because I remember the famous verse that if your hand or your eyes causes you to sin you pluck it out and cut it off, not literally but spiritually this verse means that if anything is causing you to sin, harming your faith or taking you away from God cut the thing or person off. Before I didn't realise the importance of the Sabbath and going to serve my Lord on His day, I would use Sunday mornings as lie in and make every excuse under the sun as to why I didn't go to church. Now I'm right with God I cant afford not to serve him on Sunday and this job is not letting me do that. Okay I'm going to be unemployed & probably sign on (Signing on is the worst thing known to man I hate it.) but I rather be jobless and serve my Lord than be employed and loose my soul for a job, that God can bless me 70 times more in, or the devil can offer me to loose my soul where he can offer me triple the money I earn. Like I said I'm not here to condemn anyone that works on the Sabbath, I cant work on that day, maybe you can but remember many people are serving money as their god, many people are loosing their faith over their job just be careful guys. If you're like me that's in this situation pray about it, speak to your boss if nothing changes then leave. God will honour you He wont let you quit but then you suffer financially He has to bless you like he will bless me.

Until next time guys see you next week

Yours Sincerely

Ayo Balogun .


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