"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

I've come to learnt that many Christians, pastors, bishops and many Christian authorities are leading many non believers and potential Christians to hell. I know that was harsh and quite controversial statement to make wasn't it? But it's the truth do you know how many people have had a bad experiences in going to church and gave up on God because people (Christians/ church members) judged them? Many and they will probably be condemned if they don't get saved. This is something that angers me because even though we all judge, have judged at some point and will in the future, self righteous judging is the worst because we are all sinners none of us is perfect so why are we judging our sisters and brothers? I used to be a self righteous Christian who thought butter wouldn't melt in my mouth, looking down on others, criticising peoples flaw and thinking I'm better than people till the Lord made me realise, I had to humble myself because I'm nobody and a sinner just like everyone else on this earth. If we are not helping them then we shouldn't be judging as if we are Simon Cowell on X Factor!!!!! 

"When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7

We all know the famous story of the prostitute who was about to be stoned, before Jesus saved her. Out of all people that had the right to judge her it was Jesus, but what did he do? He told them if they're perfect let them cast the first stone they all kept quiet and I can imagine felt dumb. Because they weren't perfect and sinned. This verse is one of my most favorite verses in the Bible it makes us think that we are so quick to judge others but not quick to judge and analyse ourselves. We are so quick to judge the pedophiles, the murderers, the killers etc. but yet we have our own flaws and we do things many don't approve so think before you judge someone and ask yourself why the person is doing what you don't approve of and put yourself in their shoes before you make an assumption on them.     

"There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?" James 4:12 

Let me tell you a story about my "friend" well if your my friend Goerge, Boohema, Charles, Moyo and a few people I told this situation to, then you know who this is about loooooool. But this "friend" was on Instagram he saw a quote about not judging, it had a swear word in. (bearing in mind "friend" hates swearing and didnt think any of it at the time which was his fault.) So he posts it 4 days later a friend of his sends him a text that they received from their pastor saying that his spiritual life looks unhealthy and he should be careful because of the post  (kmt you see classic example of judging.) Someone in his church saw the post, instead of taking him to the side and telling him and advising him that swear word makes them look bad. They screen munched it and sent it to the pastor. This situation made me realize we are so quick to judge instead of giving constructive criticism and helping our spiritual brothers and sisters. That stupid situation could've been avoided if the person didnt assume that "friend"' was swearing in his post but it was a post that he took from Instagram and that bar the swearing as it was a good and positive post. Judging has caused many arguments, many to look down on others & think their better and sadly lead many lost souls to hell. Remember if you don't know someone's life, don't judge them. If Jesus never judged the prostitute or the woman who had 5 husbands and the current one she was seeing was not her husband, then surely we should take a leaf out of the saviours book and not condemn others but only help them.

Until next time I'll see you again.

Yours sincerely

Ayo Balogun. 


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