
"Holding a grudge is like drinking rat poison and expecting the rat to die" When I heard this analogy I thought this is so true, to me holding a grudge is very petty and immature, okay I know some people are wicked and have violated you, but what does it gain to hold a grudge and burn in hell? I'm not here to scare to you but the scripture says if we don'y forgive we'll never be forgiven, so therefore we can't saved! You may say this analogy doesn't make sense but let me break it down, the "rat poison" represents the grudge, the bad feelings you have against someone who offended and you expect them to be hurt or offended by it, where in case you're hurting yourself, & their living their life and as a Christian hating, and disliking your neighbour is wrong! Jesus never had this spirit even when they violated and crucified him so why should we?

How can we pray and repent to God for him to forgive us when we hold hatred and have bad eyes against people? God will never forgive us He wont even accept the offerings we give him, it's in the Bible! Imagine burning in hell because you held a grudge against someone for what they did to you many years ago? This to me is insane, this is why I never grew in my faith I was holding grudges, having bad eyes against everyone who disrespected me, but I was quick to ask God to forgive my sins. I was someone who was quick to "Burn the bridge"  because of every little thing someone does to me, and this is very bad trait to have as a Christian. Imagine Jesus burning our bridge when we sin every time? It would be very unfair as we are sinners and not perfect. It's the same with people who offended you we are imperfect we all have and probably will upset or offend someone in this life imagine if they don't forgive us. It would be very bad wouldn't it?

One thing that really stuck out to me about Jesus's ministry on earth was that, he always ALWAYS, ALWAYS ALWAYS, ALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS (I'm putting capitals because I want to emphasise this)  forgave. He ate and hanged around with a tax collector, he told women who were committing adultery to sin no more and blessed them. This is what we should do as Christians we should pray and love our enemies. "Omds Ayo are you crazy?" I remember many years ago when my Bishop said it, I had the same reaction. But I only understood when I realised what Jesus went through when he died for our sins. I'm sorry I know many people have received many big violation, I know many people are scarred from peoples offences. But Jesus suffered the biggest violations in the history of man kind yet we hold grudges and bad feelings over stupidest things like I have done in my walk, He even prayed to God to have mercy and forgive them because they don't know what they're doing if they did they wouldn't do it! Sometimes the offender doesn't seen what they're doing more time. We live in a generation where we don't follow what this verse says, instead of confronting and being mature to resolve it, we hold grudges and make the situation 10 times worse because of ego. Forgiving doesn't make you weak, it make you stronger and mature, even if you didn't cause it, sometimes we cant wait for the other party to be the bigger person. WE HAVE TO DO IT! I know it's a hard thing but you can only over come any trauma by forgiveness. If Jesus can forgive those who crucified him, those who spat and mocked him, then we can forgive those who oppress us, it's not easy but it's not impossible. Imagine if God never forgave our sins then none of us would ever have the chance to be saved we would all go to hell which would be quite unfair, grudges will take us to hell and ruin our Christianity. I'm speaking from experience my life only changed, my relationship with God only changed when I forgave. If I can do it you can too.  
Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity.
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