Have Zeal For God

What does zeal mean, and why do we need it as Christians? Well the dictionary states that zeal means to have passion, devotion and enthusiasm for something. If we as Christians don't have these things in our faith we will fall or even worse leave the presence of God then probably end up hell bound. I've seen it for far too long since I've been in the church many people lack passion for God become lazy and give up on Christianity, no enthusiasm, what's an example of this? When people come church late on purpose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is really a bad habit that, really I hate seeing, I hate being late myself for God because it's a big disrespect for our Lord!!!! I will touch on this in another blog, we don't pray properly to do the things of God i.e. fasting, being active in our church is a burden. The bible says we should be cheerful givers. So when we pray, when we preach and do outreach & when we are in church we should passionate for God. We cannot serve God anyhow we become religious even lukewarm.  

Do you know we give God spiritual offerings? Offering is not only a financial thing, what I mean by spiritual offering is how we pray, how serious we take the sermons when we are in church or how we fast, save souls and etc. If we are not giving 100% to God we are giving him a bad offering. Another example of having no zeal. Remember if we are not giving 100% to God we are giving it to the devil as it says in the word if we are not for Him we are against him. There's been times where I prayed, where I've meditated on the Bible any how and my spirit tells me "I could've done better." How can we pray to God "God bless me God bless me" But yet we can't serve him 100% and serve him how we want and use as if He's a prostitute we serve him how we want, when we don't need him we go to our lives and come to God only when we want blessings. This is wrong all the prophets from John to Elijah to Job to even our father of faith Abraham ALL HAD ZEAL, this is why they will be remembered as those guys who stood out in God's early ministry and we still speak about them today.

The reason why I was stuck in my faith, that it took 9 years to take my faith serious as I've been using my example in these blogs. Because I lacked passion for God, I wouldn't pray properly, I went to church as a burden and did things of God for image, there was no joy, no passion. But when it came to football, playing Play-station or doing stuff that were irrelevant I gave 100% but yet I gave God less, this IS wrong as I was saying on my blog about having spiritual priorities a few weeks back, we need to put God first in everything. We can't invest our all in our jobs, careers, education, family and friends, but when it's the things of God we make all excuses and do it half heartedly. Those who are born of God and are children of the Holy Spirit they understand this concept. They always make time, always put God first and they serve God with PASSION!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing like "God understands I'm busy, I*inserts excuse*" God understands NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! This is an excuse from Satan, God is a jealous God He's has to be first in everything we do. Many Christians loose out on life, loose out blessings because they have no zeal or spiritual priorities. Being a Christian is not about church and carrying a Bible it's a lifestyle and spiritual culture that we serve God in with 100% ENTHUSIASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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