God Want's Quality Not Quantity

I had a conversation with a friend of mine telling her, that I want to be used by God, but then I did what most Christians do, make excuses why I can't serve Him. But she reminded me that God can use anyone for His ministry. Think about it he used Moses who had a stutter to lead the people out of Egypt, imagine someone who can't speak people to lead people to victory. God used Gideon who was the least considered in his area/family and he also used Paul who once was out there killing Christians. God doesn't want smart, rich and those society consider the first, but those who society don't care about, how many people that are pastors and doing the work of God were criminals, the least of the least and those that were just left to the side? But God is using them to do great things, GOD IS CALLING YOU! It doesn't matter what you don't have, all that matters is that you're humble, hungry and ready to be used by God. Stop worrying HOW God will use you and think about WHAT God will give you, to guide to you. For example I know it's not my calling to be a preacher as I feel I don't have enough biblical knowledge and I'm not worthy enough, but everyone says different that I should take up public speaking or something lol which means a lot, as God has used me to helped them, we see ourselves as little while God sees us as big to us us to bless others. And one last thing God loves you, it doesn't matter about your past, your weaknesses or your sins God wants us stop putting ourselves down, stop giving in to people opinions and focus on what God thinks and wants for us because we can do anything in Gods's name.


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