We Need To Be More Christ Like

The Bible does't lie, it always tell the future, it always relates to modern times, many Christians lack the most important ingredient in being a Christian. We lack love and we do not act like Christ. The definition of a Christian is to be LIKE Christ, not to be us, because man fail, our flesh fail, notice Jesus didn't go by feelings, Jesus didn't take things personal even when He was persecuted and violated, but with us every little thing we want to take personal and get offended. I can imagine Jesus's ministry he spent most of the time, blessing people, helping people He put his time and own needs to the side and helped people where He could've been doing other things, His legacy, His life was spent giving to others and making massive mark in people's lives, shouldn't we be doing the same? Many Christians lack this when we are asked for help we make excuses, when someone makes a query about the gospels we tell them to "Google it" imagine Jesus telling us to research Him on the world wide web? Horrible isn't it? Lets be more of Christ and less of ourselves. Look at the meaning of the name Christian, it means to be of Christ, if we are not following the blueprint Christ has set for us than our walk is in vain, and our testimony is questioned and when a non Christian and close one is questioning our testimony because we are not showing the fruits, then something is wrong.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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