What Christianity Really Is

Like I've told you guys before I've been a Christian for 10 years, it will be 11 years next month if I'm correct lol, but I know it was around August to October times 2005 where I decided to go on my walk even though I always claimed I'll serve God when I'm older. I was always thought that being a Christian was going to church on a Sunday and carrying your Bible making the odd prayers or being so active in your church. I was so deceived that I'm with God, but I was far from God even though I proclaimed I was believer. I'll tell you this for free Christianity is not about having 100% attendance and punctuality in your church even though its a good trait and ideal if you want to be close to God, it's not about knowing the Bible from front to cover or knowing how to pray. Even if they are good traits to have, This is religion, they always teach the more you do the more you are of God, which is a big lie! Christianity is not about doing chores its about being Christ like and having a personal relationship with God. You can go to church and do A-Z but yet be far from God I have family members/friends and elders who I worship with, who are so active in their church, but if you look at their lives the fruits don't show because simply many of them don't want to deny their cross like I was a few years back. When the Lord said take up our cross, He meant to give our all, to sacrifice whether it be friends or our entire lives. Many of us haven't given our full lives to God yet, God wants 100 not 50, 60 or 99.9%. He wants everything!!!!!!!!! There's gonna be days where we feel we don't wanna pray, go to church or give ourselves to our Lord, but faith has nothing to do with feelings, we do what is hard and soar through, Jesus before He was crucified was trembling but he overcame his feelings and did what He had to do. There's many times in our walk where we have to do things we don't want to do but that's what makes our walk stronger. The problem with many of us Christians is that we want to serve Him anyhow and then give lip service when our actions do opposite. If you really want to deny yourself and be a true believer you do what's needed to and you be consistent no matter what!!!!
Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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