You Can't Have Your Cake And Eat It

You know that saying "You can't have your cake and eat it." Which means you can't do two things at once,  when it comes to our faith, we cannot juggle our relationship with God. It's either we are on Gods team or defending on Satan's one. You can't have God and the world, you cannot say you are believer but your life shows you follow the devil, you cannot say you want God but go after the things of this world. With God is either we give 100% or there's no point. Many Christians like I did made/make the mistake of thinking it's okay to sin and enjoy the pleasures, but as long as we read our Bibles and go to church on a Sunday that it's okay and cancels out the sin. Like the word says let your yes be yes and your no be no anything in the middle is useless Matthew 5:37. I'm not saying to be perfect I'm saying this even to myself lets give ourselves all to God and 0% to this world and our own will. The devil is out here deceiving many believers that's its okay to be lukewarm, many Christians think because they have a title they're guaranteed into heaven, WHICH IS THE BIGGEST LIE!!! Many Bishops, ushers, and those who claimed to be of God are now burning in hell wishing that they took their faith serious when they was alive on earth. Don't think because you go to church, or you're active in your congregation and you know the Bible from cover to cover you're guaranteed because even Jesus will deny us, Matthew 7:21-23 its up to us to decide is either we are playing for God or we are playing against him. P.S This blog is to the experienced Christians who have been in the church, those who relatively new in the faith is  not so much but let this be instilled in you as you've just started and you're getting to know yourself and learning in your journey.

Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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