The Music Debate

There's been this music debate in Christianity for a while now, or whether we should/can listen to mainstream music. And with so much points and argument I think on one had you can and the other you can't. I mainly think you can't as the Holy Spirit has advised me and I've even felt guilty listening to secular music. It doesn't make sense as a Christian to listen to music that promotes sin and the things of this world. A Christian listening to this sort of music is like a Muslim eating pork it doesn't make sense. And just because it's not in the Bible doesn't mean its not wrong! Where many believers get it wrong or try to be smart. We all know or even sadly choose to be ignorant that most of theses artists worship or are involved with Satan and his cults. Isn't it not more so to flee from this music? I for one was convicted for the last 8 years to let go of this music as it brought nothing to my life only to be idolizing stars who are poster boys of this world, Since I've let go of music I can say I'm more free. Don't get me wrong I like to keep up to date as I'm a media blogger so I follow the music world but I don't stan and go to concerts or buy albums, I draw a line as God want us to be aliens of this world and not blend in like a banana in a smoothie. But in saying that I think some secular music you can listen as LONG AS its positive, uplifting and has a good message behind it. So its all about discernment I know many believers say they haven't been convicted or "Its not that deep" But if something is against your faith and promotes contradiction why take part in it? I can tell you personally music and many means of entertainment have ruined my walk of God, don't be blinded like I was because music is destroying many lives and ruining many peoples walk in Christ. I can only pray God gives you guys discernment.

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