What Ever Makes You Unhappy Cut It Off

Image result for deuteronomy 31:8
We all know that verse in Matthew 5.30, if your right hand causes you to sin, you should cut it off, and I urge every Christian to do that with any sadness or depression you're going through. Yes I know it's easier said than done but with God anything is possible. As I watched the greatly executed documentary, Being Black, Going Crazy on BBC I Player by social media celeb Mr. Exposed. It alarmed me that a certain stat claimed that many Christians go through depression, as a Christian who suffered this 4 years ago due to insecurity, family problems, dropping out of university and my ex making my life a living hell. I can honestly say this burdened my walk with God, I could nerve serve him properly or even missed out on church services. I know many people have diagnosis and many theories that cause depression. But simply I honestly think this is the work of devil, God promises us joy and peace. So if God promises positives that where are the negatives coming from? From the devil himself there were many times where the devil would speak in my mind telling me no one loved me, I'll never be anything that I should kill myself. Which all need to rebuked if anyone is getting those thoughts I'm not going to be like many evangelists, pastors and churches who ignorantly play down depression and mental illness and say "just pray" because there's many actions you can and need to take, like I did, for me I spoke to a pastor, a usher I had a strong support system in family and friends, I also made steps in to loving myself so I started going gym, jogging working on my appearance. Also I was doing for my career not forgetting my purpose, what many depressed people lack is purpose and forgets their goal that’s what the devil wants to take from us. Never forget you're purpose, never forget you're unique. I urge Christians, evangelists, pastors to bring awareness about depression and do more sermons on this topic, because many Christians are losing their race due to this illness. 

    Until next time guys, thanks for  reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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