Serving The People

One keyword that I learnt in the faith is the term "serve" to be a great Christian, not only do we have to serve our sovereign Lord but we must also serve those around us. If we can't serve those around us then, unfortunately, we can't serve God, if we can't obey, respect, love those around us.

When we think of the word serve we think of slavery, a butler or a maid slaving for their owner/employer. As this term can be really triggering to black people like myself because of our oppressive history we went through. This is not the case we know that these are the synonyms in the English, Oxford dictionary but to serve is to give a good service to your clients/customers, to be obedient to your parents, to be a good friend, being a great partner to your spouse or being a great parent to your kids or being a parent figure to your niece, nephew or godchildren. It's all good and well to be a good servant in our church or to your pastor but what good is that if you're a bad employee, don't do your bit for your clients then how valid is our faith? One thing as Christians we have no balance some pastors are great preachers but neglect their family, there are church leaders who don't love, obey or contribute at home but give great service and loyalty to their church and sadly there are many Christians who are not serving those around us. We must do both, serving in the church whether you're a church authority, in the media team or the choir, many believers and get it twisted, feel only those in ministry serve, you don't have to be a pastor, bishop, deacon, choir or youth leader, to serve, you serve as a member, you serve when you evangelize, you serve when you're active in a church group, you serve when you pray and go to church that is serving but as much as we do this in our spiritual life, we must serve in our physical life we can do this by helping and supporting our friends, contributing to bills and shopping if we live with our parents and working to our best ability and being a hard worker in your workplace/business. This is how we serve to look at most of the biblical heroes, as well as serving in their faith they served people outside of their faith. Serving people is a priority and key skill in our faith, serving is the gift that Jesus executed well when He was on earth as we must follow as 1st Peter 4:10 echoes. 

Jesus was a great server He healed people, He saved a woman from getting stoned who was caught in adultery, He went to have dinner with a crooked tax collector who they confessed that they'll stop robbing people and give them 4 times what they stole from them. We must follow His example we can't call ourselves God's disciples if we can't serve those around us. My Uncle Wale who I consider to be a great man of faith who has always inspired my walk with God is a great server of the people he's a great minister, father, uncle, brother, and husband. He's always put others before himself and to me, that's what made want to serve my family, friends, social media followers, clients, nices, nephews and goddaughter. I would advise every believe that when we pray, let's pray we serve those around by being good siblings, children, friend, employees, relatives and workers, I do this every night when I pray and God inspires me on ways where I can serve those around me. Those who are an authority must serve too, a boss must serve his employees, a parent must serve their kids, a pastor must serve their denomination just as Jesus did as Matthew 20:28 says "Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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