
So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12

We as Christians do this thing where we blame everything on Satan, yes he's at fault for most of the messed up things on this earth and maybe our life however not everything! Satan can only entice, but he can't make you fornicate, lie or whatever sin we do. That's why it's important to take accountability because even though the serpent tempts, we decide to sin, make mistakes and do wrong! 

We are too quick to play victim, the race, mental health card not that I'm here to dismiss peoples struggles. But we as Christians we have to learn to hold ourselves accountable, this is a sign of humbleness. Which many of us lack as God cannot exalt us as He wants to as 1st Peter 5:6 says. We have to be humble enough to own our mistakes, to own our bad habits and to own our sins. The mighty fall when they're proud as mentioned in Proverbs 16:18. A lot of us don't grow in our faith or our physical life because we are not owning our wrongs. Progression is when you hold yourself accountable and learn from your mistakes. Let's look at the Bible, Abraham knew when he got his maid pregnant that Ishmael was not the chosen son God wanted for him, yes children are a blessing but Ishmael was not the one God had in mind for Abraham. When Abraham held himself accountable for listening to Sarah's bad advice as it was her idea to impregnate the maid. Abraham decided to follow and obey God and what happened? Sarah who was barren initially birthed Isaac and Abraham got his blessing that even until today he's the father of many nations and the faith, Genesis 16-18. Imagine if Abraham never held himself accountable there probably would be no Isaac and maybe he wouldn't have had his iconic, biblical legacy. I say this to say our lack of ownership is affecting our relationship with God, our quality of life and our relationships. How many people are burning in hell because they didn't hold themselves accountable?

Why is the world a mess? Why is there so much disobedience in this horrible and wicked world? Why did Lucifer become Satan? Because there was a lack of ownership and accountability and this is what is killing our faith when we don't repent we kill our faith. when we don't own our wrongs we become like Lucifer and be proud, when we don't own our wrongs and turn away from our sins we kill our faith. See why holding ourselves accountable is so key?????!!!!!!! Look at Adam and Eve they committed the first sin in history and when it was time to own up to their sin Adam blamed Eve, instead of humbling himself and being held accountable, Genesis 3 12. They suffered even until today where women have to endure the pain of carrying a child because Adam and Eve lacked ownership. How do we hold ourselves accountable? We repent and confess our sins, we rewrite our wrongs as the Bible says grace is among us, our past and sins do not define us the tax collector was saved as Jesus gave him grace, the thief on the cross was saved when he held himself accountable as he was saved the beautiful thing about Jesus is that He gives us grace and redemption where 2nd Corinthians 12:9 and Ephesians 2 8-9 echoes. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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