
What is projection or projecting? The English Dictionary says it's when an "attribute or transfer an emotion or desire to (another person), especially unconsciously." In the modern-day church and our Christian community, there's way too much projection, if it's not a pastor forcing his faith and his way of doing things in the church, it's Christians bullying, gaslighting and judging other believers because they don't "serve" God the way they do whether it's fasting, how to pray or what genre of music we should listen to. In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus's adversaries the Pharisees came for Him because He didn't follow the law of Moses as this is what they based their doctrine and faith on where they believed they were the only evangelical movement that were serving God correctly, where as Jesus followed the law of God and came to give people the gospels of grace not the gospels of man, a cult, a religious establi...