Cancel Culture & We No Longer Keep The Grace

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

We live in a society where we don't want to forgive, give people a second chance and we use past mistakes, crimes and misdemeanours against them, where the Cancel Culture Police want to imprison those especially celebrities like R Kelly, Chris Brown and Dutcahvelli, who were caught in a scandal. What is cancel culture? Is a culture where we as a society especially in the black community condemn, judge and slander those who committed mistakes and demand they have no second chances and their life be ruined, but we all know that with repentance, grace and redemption, God redeems us where man has "cancelled" us.  

Out of all the stories of Jesus Christ's ministry, where He gave the thief on the cross salvation, in Luke 23:39-43 is the one that stuck out, just to give context thieves in those times, who were caught in their crimes were subjected to be hanged on the cross. The thief took accountability and assumed his punishment, there was another thief who was trolling Jesus, saying I'm paraphrasing lol "If you're this, Jesus people say you are, save us from being hanged" The thief who was saved told the other thief to pipe down, and told him they deserve this punishment, Jesus doesn't, what happens next is what blew my mind into awe, He asked Jesus to remember him when the lord ascends back to heaven and the Lord granted him favour. How many of us judge ourselves before we judge those who are caught in sin, scandal or make mistakes? Lol probably not many, it's so ironic that we're quick to use people's past against them, not give them the grace but yet we as Christians we're quick to repent, quick to ask for mercy but we can't forgive those who hurt us, yet we can't give that public personality the benefit of the doubt, who was caught in iniquity how is that fair? No one is perfect, no one is above the law let's look at ourselves before we throw stones at our neighbour's glass houses, like Matthew 5:7 say's "Take the speck out of your eye before you take the plank out of someone else's." 

I'm someone who's so thankful for God's grace because I've done things I'm not proud of, I admit my flaws and repent to God daily, I advise every believer to this in self reflection. I don't believe in cancel or condemn culture because the only person who can do that is God but yet, He gives a chance every day to be new, to have a second chance and to have the benefit of the doubt. The Bible say if we judge others, we will be judged in Matthew 7:2. Where there is a man there will always be sin, scandal and mistakes and we have no right to condemn someone where we ourselves sin, we cannot play God, the judge and the jury. 

 Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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