
What is projection or projecting? The English Dictionary says it's when an "attribute or transfer an emotion or desire to (another person), especially unconsciously." In the modern-day church and our Christian community, there's way too much projection, if it's not a pastor forcing his faith and his way of doing things in the church, it's Christians bullying, gaslighting and judging other believers because they don't "serve" God the way they do whether it's fasting, how to pray or what genre of music we should listen to. 

In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Jesus's adversaries the Pharisees came for Him because He didn't follow the law of Moses as this is what they based their doctrine and faith on where they believed they were the only evangelical movement that were serving God correctly, where as Jesus followed the law of God and came to give people the gospels of grace not the gospels of man, a cult, a religious establishment or a certain religion, how many of us like myself had others such as church authorities projecting their faith on others and ourselves? How many times does the sexism and misogyny in the church project on women to stay pure until marriage? While the church bats an eyelid on men who fornicate or have porn addictions? That if they sleep around they're not "marriage or wife material", what about the Conservative White Church where they project that black Christians should get over racism and focus on the grace of God and salvation and spout rubbish like "you guys were free over 60 years ago & Jesus doesn't see colour" Everyone has a different faith, follows a certain denomination whether it's pentecostal or Jehovah's Witness, everyone is running their spiritual marathon, while others are fighting in a spiritual Premier League. You may feel you're playing chess in your spiritual life but we have no right to judge someone who we FEEL is playing checkers in their own as Romans 14:3 states. We cannot base our relationship with the mighty one, of what our church or an evangelistic leader says on who's wrong or right, we must decipher the gospels for ourselves!!!!! Which unfortunately many are not doing, and unfortunately rely on their pastor, church leader, parents, elders in the church and so on yes the minister/pastor is God's microphone but they are not God!!! know the difference! This is why I feel many African Christians especially many of our elders, lacked because we never discerned the gospels for ourselves we just love to go off what Minister says, one of many issues that's plagued the Motherland. We must know what our spiritual needs are everyone serves God differently and that's ok as long as we are saved, obeying and honouring God. Job 34:4 can back my claim as the word says "Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good." 

I've projected my faith on to others, it's so funny because I remember when my youth group showed us that bogus video of The Truth Behind Hip-Hop by that mad pastor who was projecting to everyone that all non-gospel and Christian rap was demonic and bad if you've seen this sermon you know what slander of a sermon I'm talking about, talk about projecting and generalizing at it's finest, I'm sure every youth group premiered in their church, this is my opinion, I wouldn't want you guys thinking I'm judging or projecting now 😂😂😂😂😂😂. Well, I was new, young and fresh in my faith so I took everything as the gospel instead of discerning for myself and what did I do? I would judge condemn, family and friends for listening to secular music lol but then I went back to listening to it lol oh the funny irony. The moral of the story is everyone is different, Lebron James cannot be Michael Jordan, The Weekend cannot be Michael Jackson or a banana cannot be a grape? Because everyone is unique, everyone is in their lane and no one has the right, condemn, bully or project their faith on to other Christians or even non-Christians, we live in the Free World where we can believe, follow and be what we want so nobody can play God, the judge and the jury. 

   Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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