The Main Forms Of Immoral Sin

We can debate until the cows come home if porn is a sin or not, yes the word doesn't talk about it directly but what does pornography plan to do? It plans to stimulate your mind sexually and to be stimulated sexually and you're not married you've sinned as Matthew 5:28 states "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery within her/his heart." 

I know it's a topic that churches and pastors don't bring up because it's so taboo, but if anything causes you to sin like Mark 9:47 utters and it makes you lust it's therefore bad for you. Many believers sadly who I or you can't judge, justify this abomination which in my opinion porn is, porn has destroyed marriages it's statistically proven that porn is one of the main causes of divorce, it causes addictions and even made people look at the opposed sex with lust there are even cases where people lust over there own family members! We know that not only sex before marriage is bad, but it's also doing  any type of sexual acts on someone that's not your married spouse, which goes under sexual immorality which is one of the big sins that can or will deny us salvation, let's be smart and not sly just because the Bible doesn't touch on something at first hand and we know deep down in our hearts it's wrong then it's wrong!!!!! 

"Ayo I'm celibate, I watch porn & masturbate to take the edge off" Unfortunately this is taking a shortcut, and if we are doing that we are being deceitful, we can't take short cuts it's either we do something with 100% or not, why do we need to take the "edge" of? This is lie that society, media, music the internet and Satan himself want's to push us on us!!!! Who say's that we should do such? God gave us discipline, grace and conviction to overcome our sexual and lustful desires, yes God gave us all a sex drive, but He gave that to us to use that on our married soulmate!!!!! If porn is not a sin or something normal why is that we never watch it in open spaces, why is it that we watch it when everyone else is sleeping or not around, why do we clear it off our browser history, why must it be done in a private space, surely if  it's ok to do it we would do it openly? I say this to say God doesn't want us to be lukewarm. We can't take shortcuts some of us have an addiction to porn, some of us are being convicted by the Holy Spirit to cut this immoral thing of and yet we are rebellious. Porn is killing us, killing how we see people and is making us lustful than ever porn doesn't do us any good, it's a way of harm that Satan has used to destroy and pervert our minds. 

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