Top 5 Lies Christianity/The Church Told Us

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4

With anything in life there are false agenda's and people projecting their opinions and ideologies on others whether it's history, music or sports, then no further in the Christian community where it's church authorities or Christian's pushing and gaslighting their narratives on others. So here are my top 5 lies the church, has told us. 

Dressing smart to church, sometimes we mix traditional cultures and what's mandatory, so for years we've been told we have to dress smart to church, wherein the Bible does it say we have to be suited and booted to church? I'll wait yes in the Bible people wore their best linens and robes but it was a sign of reverence but it wasn't a thing you had to do, and if we do our research "Sunday best" originates from slavery but that's a story for another day you won't be condemned for dressing casually. 

People have terminal illnesses and incurable diseases because they're far from God, another lie the church told us, some people were born with sicknesses and diseases, some contracted it from no fault of their own, this ideology that I've seen throughout the years that your faith must be weak or you have a strained relationship with God, so it's God "punishing" you is all lies!!!!! God will never punish you with an illness because your faith is not right nor does it mean you have a weak faith or didn't "have enough faith to be cured" that you have this illness, or close ones died from it. Remember in the Bible, in John 9 where there was an ill person and the disciple ignorantly asked if the person was ill because of their parents sins, Jesus told him that this person has this illness so He can cure him so it's proof of God's work and to glorify God, regardless of illness or any other tribulation God lets these things happen to us sometimes so when the answer comes we can testify in His name. And unfortunately some die from these things and we'll never know why God doesn't heal them but them having lack of faith or not being a strong Christian is not the reason.  

Women must dress and look a certain way in church, for years, sexism and misogyny is killing the church this stupid notion that women can't wear makeup, have highlighted or coloured hair or can't wear certain dresses, trousers and ripped jeans, women unless God has convicted you to not dress certain way no church, Christian authority or member cannot tell you how to dress or how you conduct your appearance, God will not give you brownie points for being a covered up nun. 

That all non-gospel artists are demon-possessed and in the Illuminati, looooooool another fairy tale agenda that the Church has pushed, that there are no facts or concrete evidence that an Illuminati exists please be careful of these extremists Christians who make these assumptions and make these weird videos on YouTube that because an artist is wearing black or making hand movements they're in some cult, yes there are principalities in the industry, and the media are spewing all sorts of agenda's to take people from God, that I won't deny but the fact that every non-Christian artist is in some demonic cult is all speculation.   

The more works you do the more saved you are, last but not least one of the biggest lies told and projected in the church that the more active you are in church then the more you're saved, NO you can go to church 24/7, be in all the groups of your local church or have a position doesn't mean you're saved, you can do all of the above and live in sin and STILL not be saved, you could die and God will say He doesn't know you as it says in Matthew 7:21-23. Yes, it's good to be active in your church but we need both the grace and works to be saved as Ephesians 2:8-9 utters "For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." 

Sometimes when we are new or young in our faith we go by everything a church, fellow Christian pastor or Christian Influencer on the internet says, but we have to find out things for ourselves, research for ourselves. We have to have our faith, we have to be personally convicted by God and think for ourselves the church is our Google Maps that guides us but they do have the final say, God does!!! As we become more wiser, older and mature in our faith we must test every spirit as 1st John 4:1 states. As we all convicted differently on many different things.  

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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