
Showing posts from June, 2022

There's no unity with Christians on social media

One of the biggest gripes that I have with being a Christian and social media is that there's a lack of unity within the Christiandom, if it's not debated about what a believer can or can't do in the bedroom when married, it's arguments about whose denominations are better or if we like Pr Mike Todd or not, what happened to follow the verse in Mark 12:31 where it says to love all our neighbours? It's like we purposely want to fight each other on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, Christianity is a movement inspired by God to bring people together to worship God as one body, whether we are Pentecostal or 7-Day Adventist, whether we have our Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday, just like there are different types of trainers, boxers or food, different types of Christians believe different things or serve God differently and that's ok!!!! What is not ok is to beef each other and have civil wars like it's a Marvel movie that's what the devil wants us to do!!!!! That...

You Left The Church Because People Gossiped About You But Didn't Leave When Co-Workers Did

How many of us, or how many people do we know left the church because of gossip or any other offence but when our family or work place did a similar thing we forgave or never left our job?  I'm not here to dismiss or justify anyone's Church hurt but why is it we are quick to leave the church, but we'll still support the sports team who let us down, the family members who hurt us or the work place who treats us in justly Why as we young people say "are not keeping the same energy?" Yes there's members or Christians who were molested, sexually and spiritually abused and their case is justified and we know it's very tough to bring their souls back to God but this blog is for those who left the church for petty reasons such as gossiping, being held accountable on any other silly reason people leave.  I personally feel people use God/the church as scape goats, and it just shows their hearts were never in God, if the Devil can use any petty reason to make you le...

Why I No Longer Believe In The Prosperity Gospel

If you like me are from the charismatic, Pentecostal faith you're all familiar with the prosperity gospel! A gospel that is taught that if your love life, family life, health and especially your finances are not where it's meant to be you don't have "enough faith" or you can't glorify God and I'm here to tell this teaching is problematic and toxic and in today's blog, I'll tell you why I no longer believe in this gospel.  I no longer believe in this gospel because not everyone is meant to have this great life, yes the Bible has more than 8000 promises for us, but some believers fought their whole lives for certain blessings and died not getting it, are they less Christian? Did they lack faith? No, it's just that they never got their blessing one way or another, Moses never saw the promised land, and Job Lost his kids but it doesn't take away from their legacy or their great faith just like the great athletes who never won many titles in the...

God Works With What He Can

  There's this notion that if we fold our arms and just pray for what we want, God will just automatically give it to us just like some magic trick, as James 2:14-16 states "Faith without works is dead"  If you want a promotion, do things that will help you get a promotion, I.e learning the business, doing over time,  if you want to be healed do things that will help you get healed I.e going for check-ups, listening to the doctor's advice, as I always state bar Elijah praying for the fire to come down to prove God exists and the idol of Baal didn't, there was no other miracle or blessing received by just praying and waiting on God!!! Everyone who was and is blessed by the power of God people had to do an action to get to their blessing.  To conclude we need to banish this fairy tale, Disney gospel of just praying and waiting on God, yes some blessings and miracles take longer to come but it doesn't mean we fold our arms and wait decades on God, this is why man...