There's no unity with Christians on social media

One of the biggest gripes that I have with being a Christian and social media is that there's a lack of unity within the Christiandom, if it's not debated about what a believer can or can't do in the bedroom when married, it's arguments about whose denominations are better or if we like Pr Mike Todd or not, what happened to follow the verse in Mark 12:31 where it says to love all our neighbours? It's like we purposely want to fight each other on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, Christianity is a movement inspired by God to bring people together to worship God as one body, whether we are Pentecostal or 7-Day Adventist, whether we have our Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday, just like there are different types of trainers, boxers or food, different types of Christians believe different things or serve God differently and that's ok!!!! What is not ok is to beef each other and have civil wars like it's a Marvel movie that's what the devil wants us to do!!!!! That...