You Left The Church Because People Gossiped About You But Didn't Leave When Co-Workers Did

How many of us, or how many people do we know left the church because of gossip or any other offence but when our family or work place did a similar thing we forgave or never left our job? 

I'm not here to dismiss or justify anyone's Church hurt but why is it we are quick to leave the church, but we'll still support the sports team who let us down, the family members who hurt us or the work place who treats us in justly Why as we young people say "are not keeping the same energy?" Yes there's members or Christians who were molested, sexually and spiritually abused and their case is justified and we know it's very tough to bring their souls back to God but this blog is for those who left the church for petty reasons such as gossiping, being held accountable on any other silly reason people leave. 

I personally feel people use God/the church as scape goats, and it just shows their hearts were never in God, if the Devil can use any petty reason to make you leave it just goes to show the spiritual foundation of your faith was somewhat lacking, my solution is let's stop holding the church to a high standards, the church leaders and pastoes are humans who will make mistakes and hurt us but we must forgive and keep our eyes on God, I know this is triggering but I'm only saying this so we can wake up spiritually! 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity
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