God Works With What He Can


There's this notion that if we fold our arms and just pray for what we want, God will just automatically give it to us just like some magic trick, as James 2:14-16 states "Faith without works is dead" 

If you want a promotion, do things that will help you get a promotion, I.e learning the business, doing over time,  if you want to be healed do things that will help you get healed I.e going for check-ups, listening to the doctor's advice, as I always state bar Elijah praying for the fire to come down to prove God exists and the idol of Baal didn't, there was no other miracle or blessing received by just praying and waiting on God!!! Everyone who was and is blessed by the power of God people had to do an action to get to their blessing. 

To conclude we need to banish this fairy tale, Disney gospel of just praying and waiting on God, yes some blessings and miracles take longer to come but it doesn't mean we fold our arms and wait decades on God, this is why many Christians are not blessed unfortunately because they're waiting on God when it's God waiting on us to use your faith!!!!! So fight for your dreams, chase that blessing and be persistent on that miracle that you want, because with faith, persistence and consistency you'll get your blessing. 

Until next time guys, thanks for reading my blog if you have any queries about my blogs or want to know more about Christianity

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