A Warning to Our Future Kids

"The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation." Genesis 7:1  
There's something I learnt today that really got me, and it's something that the pastor was preaching and that verse. Is that whether our family have the same faith/religion as us or not, is that our testimony will speak volumes. Our relationship whether good or bad with Christ can save our families or take them to hell. Because Noah was obedient and the only one living right before God in his community, he saved his family as God spared him and his loved ones from the flood. But the mistake I've witnessed and I see in this society is that many parents of Christian and other faiths force their faith/religion on their kids that eventually put them of that faith, or lead them astray. 

"What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:9 
Our parents who lecture us to go to church, read the bible etc, mean well don't get me wrong. But forcing our children won't work we all know that, if we force someone to do something they won't do it or they will do it (whatever we're asking them) half heartedly. How many young people are put off from coming to church and giving their life to Christ, because religion and God is shoved down their throats?? How many people like myself would only go to church so our mums would get off our backs?? This was the case with me before I gave my life to God I never wanted to go to church because my mum was always on my case to go, to take part in the church youth group, she force it on me she would go as far as making me watch God's Channel (Some of those sermons I won't comment on lol) and while the preacher was preaching, she would make sly digs lol. I laugh about it now because it was an argument that we had that made me start going to church, and then me becoming Christian. But she meant well I thought she was just moaning at me to go church, not knowing before I was born she made a vow to God if she had a son, he would serve on his altar like Samuel from the Bible did. And what is my fate lol? Me giving my life to God and preaching to people through this blog, my tweets and a by having future Youtube channel. A piece of advice to parents and future parents never force religion or your faith on your children, teach them, advise them, but never force and even if they don't listen or want to follow your faith, pray and fight for them to come round. With young people and children it takes time for them to come around but through your good woks, testimony and prayer, by the power of Christ they'll come round.


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