Love Thy Neighbor

"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12

I remember hearing this verse, I cant remember where I was, or the day but that verse stuck to me for the rest of my life. I heard this and its been made clear as Christians we shouldn't be beefing or having drama with people that offend us. We shouldn't be trying to fight our fellow humans being's no matter what it is or about our fight with Satan and his demons. They're the ones attacking us they're the ones offending us by trying to shame our God and our lives. The devil wants to kill us, destroy us and steal from us. So why should we be fighting people for offences we'll get over in time? 

"For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10

I'm not gonna lie I'm someone that takes things personal, even though I've improved on it and I'm still working to ignore peoples transgressions against me. I have to understand  that the offender who hurts don't see or don't realize they're hurting us. So being angry and making a scene make things worse. As a Christian we need to learn how to have patience and self control. as those are a few of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. When we have His presence we don't hold grudges, we don't take things to heart, because the spirit gives us peace and joy so its easy for us to ignore. How many times have I lost my temper or escalating a situation over something so small and I live to regret it. We need to learn to control and pray I remember at work one day this customer was arguing my blood pressure was rising, this happens when I know I'll do something stupid I walked away and went to my staff toilet and prayed I felt joy and I felt so good maybe that's something you should do or find a way to positively release your anger. The only person who we should hate and be angry with is the devil because he working to break us. I know some of us have those annoying friends, those difficult family members and those annoying managers. But us switching and fighting everyone doesn't work let me tell you from experience I've lost many friends because I took something personal and held bad feelings, I had many grudges people in my church because I was angry for something they did to me years ago which was so silly in minor. I nearly ruined my relationship with my mother because of silly situation and treated her like the enemy and didn't speak to her for 3 months!!!!. But as I've been on this journey I've learnt to forgive and turn the other cheek we need to love everyone from our family members to those annoying, stuck up customers that we dream about giving them a piece of our mind lol.  

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:14-15

I look at this picture above and wanna hug all my enemies, my haters those that persecute me because they don't know what they're doing. If they did they wouldn't do it, isn't this the same thing Jesus said before he was finally crucified? I read this verse this afternoon and thought WOW we need to forgive and love those who hate us, those hurt us and those who have violated us. Jesus forgave those who crucified him, Jesus died for our sins that to me is the biggest and most wonderful sign of forgiveness I've seen and you'll hear in the history of man kind. If Jesus can die for our sins then I'm sorry to say we can easily forgive. "Ayo are you mad you're crazy how can you say that?" Easy I have forgiven every person that has wronged me on this earth there's people who have ruined my life, and taken my childhood away from me and people that I know!! Who have done fraud with my card, even for the last year everyday with out fail I'm attacked on social media for my opinions, my Youtube show. My desire is to find all these internet troll break their necks and leave them in hospital. But what would be the point? Violence and seeking revenge won't solve anything but make me sin and give a bad testimony to God and Christianity. But there's that famous question "What would Jesus do?" Do you know what he would do he would forgive in a second and have compassion, if as a Christian it's to be "Christ-like" then lets do what our Lord would do if he was in our situation if someone offended us we forgive, I know its hard for us to forgive but holding a grudge or having malice against our fellow humans is like drinking rat poison and expecting the rat to die. Many Christians and even non Christians are poisoning their faith their life because of a grudge from years ago it's not worth it like the famous commandment says we should love our neighbors as ourselves.

Yours Sincerely
Ayo Balogun 

Until next time goes enjoy your day and have a blessed week.   


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