The Spirit Of Disobedience

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people." 2 Timothy 3:1-7  

If you asked what is the reason or the biggest sin that takes Christians, people away from God? I would say justification of living in sin and when you're living in sin on PURPOSE you are disobeying God. In the word it says we shouldn't do A to Z but in in today times where even many Christian authorities disobey the ways of God. This is why there is many sorry to say many lost, weak Christians in the world. Okay we all have different spiritual journeys we all take time and move in different speeds in our faith. But there's is no reason or logical excuse to live in sin. This was put in my heart to teach, inspire and motivate my fellow brothers and sisters in faith. I know many feel a type of way, feel accused or feel judged after reading this post, this is not my aim to do so, but through the Holy Spirit that inspired me yesterday to write this, I only want to warn Christians the dangers of living a disobedient spiritual life.  

Like I said in previous blogs I wasted 9 years in my faith, warming up the seat in my church because solely I was a disobedient Christian. I knew fulfilling my lust was wrong but I still did it, I knew disrespecting my mum was wrong I still did it, I knew lying, gossiping & so on and so on was wrong but I still did it. And that made my spiritual life stagnant. Many Christians don't grow or end giving up Christianity because they want/love to disobey the things of God. They know that sin is wrong but keep on doing it. Okay we're not human, we're not perfect but there's a difference between doing the occasional sin and continuously doing the sin. If I could rewind those 9 years I wasted I would and cut off those sins that what were making me to disobey God. It's something that I've noticed is that we as Christians well some of make excuses to sin, we say to God and people around us we'll stop, or justify that God will forgive us and that we're human and blah blah blah. Remember the more we live in sin and justify it the more lukewarm we are. As it says in Revelations chapter 3 verse 16 that God will eventually spit us out, because we are not decided to be with him or against him as we want to be in the middle. When God said spit he means he'll get fed up of forgiving our sins and wash his hands with us. We can not serve the sins and the things of this world and serve God.As the Bible states we cannot serve two masters, we need really think whose side are we on!!!!!!

"For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous." Romans 5:19

I hope I didn't offend anyone this is not my aim to shade anyone or judge, like I always say I or no man can convict anyone on  how they live their life or your walk with God, that's for the Holy Spirit to do. As the Holy Spirit convicted me to change my life and wake my faith up. What saddens me is that I know many Christians who think it's okay to rebel and serve God how they see fit. Remember we cannot serve the Lord how we want. I know letting go of the things (that separates us from God) is hard, not fulfilling our flesh is hard and removing the things of the world that we enjoy is hard. But I'm telling you is it worth any of us going to hell because we was disobedient to God. It would kill me if I died today and went to hell because I was disobedient in my faith. And I'm looking down with regret whilst my soul is burning in the Lake of Fire. All I can say is, if there's any sin, anything your're holding unto that you know is making you disobey in your faith, obey by letting it go. I know our salvation is personal and I'm not here to preach. But remember the Lord says for it's better to obey than to sacrifice. Don't sacrifice your salvation because you was disobeying doing what you please.      


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